The joy of life lies in a grateful heart.One who learns to see good in everything,everyone and every circumstance lives counting blessings.No matter who or where you are in your life today. Gratitude increases joy and diminishes pain,guaranteed! Patience,Persistence and Practice of the few simple gratitude laws brings one to unimagined Peace. The byproduct of a grateful heart.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
The time will come for it to be seen as all over and done with. But till then I am alive and I will live to the best of my ability. When laughter visits less often and fear is more likely a companion, I seek to lift myself out and go the extra mile to recover and refuse to give up.
Life has come full circle. I am back in my childhood surrounded by little children in the kindergarten. I am single minded the way I like to be. My reservations have melted and I am home. I am happy and it comes from the contentment of a job well done for today. Tomorrow will I cherish today as a memory or will I want to erase it from my existence? This I make my motivation to do or not to do, to say or not to say! Regrets I have a few, I live with them till I can make amends. Till then…..
As challenges beckon I am willing. As fear surfaces I acknowledge it as the scar I have to live with and will not let it become a road block to where I want to be.
Opportunities abound. Is it I see more clearly because of a cultivated attitude or is this just the fallout of age and maturity? I ask? Words thrive in my fertile imagination of a learner, teacher, leader and doubter that I am. It is my endeavor to be careful and work towards not hurting anyone intentionally or otherwise. It’s my mission to live each day hence forth with an inclusive but a non interfering vision. To live and let live is a freeing experience.
Love always,
Joscelyn Marcedo-Fernandes
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Walk Don't Run
Safety is the prime concern in every adult's vision. Who operate from the premise, "prevention is better than cure". So all effort is make to stop what may occur.
Sometimes an indignant voice pitches an octave near earth shattering degree when it yells, "How many times have I told you not to run on the corridors?" you'd be luck if the little one waits to answer you on that one. If you do catch the erring one you will be amazed at the incredulous expression of a big question mark on the countenance. "From where did you appear?" it asks.
I had a stroke of genius when I asked a speeding tornado wrapped up in this little one.
"Why are you running?" I called out. Without reducing his speed or direction I heard him say as he disappeared into his class at the end of the corridor, "To come first". I have thus stopped 'asking questions' at this most volatile time when children have but one mission, of reaching point B from point A at top speed.
However, the safety of children still remains our prime concern. So we have to work around the mind set of the child to reach in and say it in the way which makes sense to them. The first step would be to make children aware of the dangers of hurting themselves and others. This is apporached in a story telling session, roping in how traffic rules are obeyed by parents for the same reasons. A role play of obeying rules in school is set up a few days later. Seeing the scenario unfold may strike a chord as visual usually do. Next a specially prepared presentation of reminder signals is shown in all classes. This is equally colourful and interesting. With this we make them familiar with what is expected of them when they see the signal. Lastly, on the corridor walls we put up these specially made signals at the eye level of the child, at strategic points. These bright and colourful indicators say 'WALK'.
I am now in 'walk' mode with this project and will not expect speedy results but will surely expect the long term outcome to be in the interest and safety of the child.
Love always
Joscelyn Fernandes
OOEHS, Kindergarten Supervisor.