The joy of life lies in a grateful heart.One who learns to see good in everything,everyone and every circumstance lives counting blessings.No matter who or where you are in your life today. Gratitude increases joy and diminishes pain,guaranteed! Patience,Persistence and Practice of the few simple gratitude laws brings one to unimagined Peace. The byproduct of a grateful heart.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ten Top Opportunities to Live and Learn
1. Let you heart rule your head. The turmoil which ensues will spin your life turtle. Let it! Then find your head on your shoulders thereafter each time and every time.
2. Let a blunder rake and rile you for a chosen period of time [limited], feel the harm it does and then forgive yourself and go on to honor your better self.
3. Let the fear of being disliked hamper and stunt the quality of thought, word and deed. Then pack up fear with no ceremony and start to think, speak and do freely as you believe.
4. Let the discomfort of confrontation hijack and gag the need to know the truth then pluck the courage and face the fiends. Vapour is the natures of demons, a wave of intend is all that is required to push forward.
5. Let persons belittle you for love and misplaced loyalty then silently move out of reach and make room for precious thoughts which uplift and guide actions of love.
6. Let people manipulate and distort facts in order that you act in response in a certain way then choose to be true to yourself and think for yourself.
7. Let the need to be loved lead to actions your instincts disagree with. Then feel the freedom of not having to try to be loved and know that to be loved is not earned its just there.
8. Let peoples opinion rule your choice, words and thoughts and then move on to become independent of validation of another. Listen to your inner voice, it leads and comforts like no other.
9. Let noise be your screen and defense and then visit the silence of your spirit, never to return to the din for here lays your integrity.
10. Let you treat yourself harshly. This is a hard one to see. Cause it’s too close for comfort. Sometimes a lifetime passes before you can see, believe and act in your interest. Don’t let that be the case with you. Treating yourself with love, care and respect is the key to doing the same for others.
Love always,
My memory serves me…………………..
I am a little girl. I am 6 years old maybe a
little older. I have six older siblings and
one younger sister. I have a few sketchy
memories of this little girl. And some are
etched clearer in my heart than in my mind.
I remember
Looking through the slits of my closed eyes
at my father putting on his trousers
hurriedly but yet in the same unique way he
always did.
He thrust his right foot into the trouser leg,
it was always his right leg first and then the
While doing so he held the left pant leg
up against the waistband of the pant.
Two fingers deftly holding it ready to be gone, to
swing down in unison with his left leg going
into it.
My eyes shift I can see the bed up against
the wall. I lay still.
Several voices I heard calling my name in
octaves higher each time.
My eyes shut I lay. Off went my eldest sister
and father to call the doctor I was told later.
Was I dead? No, I was not. But why did I
not get up to the call to go for early
morning mass?
Was I not willing to go to church?
No, I don’t remember, going to church
being distasteful at that age. I was
too young and too obedient to make such a
Then what was it? As I remember it…..I
was called to get up I did not….what
followed was rapid and on the spot ….all
hell broke loose as I did not wake up and
apparently I looked dead to the onlookers.
But for me I just went with the flow after
the initial 2 seconds it was not in my hands
anymore. Maybe I wanted the attention? I
like to think not, but whatever!
What followed was a stunning ruffle from
my scared and angry mother and what
seemed never ending was a steady,
unrelenting, painful teasing by my siblings
which mortified me and ALWAYS had me
dissolve in tears.
I was the Great Pretender. They sang the song of that
title“O OH O OH Yes, I AM A GREAT
that line was enough for the sob to begin.
At last, now it does no more. I have grown
As I said my memory serves me. Maybe you
won’t remember it like my memory serves.......
So …….Ha ha! Keep Smiling!
Love always
Friday, August 6, 2010
Eight things to do when you Succeed or When you go down.
How to begin is always the dilemma. The rest is really a piece of cake.
2. LiFe HaPPenEd and conditions apply. Recoil in the face of a blow for moments enough to review and regroup. In addition keep kindness near at hand. Life happens it is meant to.
3. Keep promises. It’s hard in both conditions and is the defining reason for faith being unbroken or cleaned out. Be the ray of decency which defines reality.
4. Prompt and systematize the way to move ahead constructively and bear in mind time tells and by no means tattles.
5. Maintain focus on the details. But keep your eyes forever on the larger picture. The whole to be seen will require you to step back once in a while, from the thick of things.
6. Return refreshed in mind and intend. The number of breaks determines the quality and the quantity of effects to come.
7. Keep effort constant and expect it to take a while to get better and to get going. There are always good days bookending bad days and vice versa.
8. Laugh and smile it’s the stuff genius is made of. It is the most potent in times when you think it’s most unlikely.
Love Always,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
It’s natural to miss those you love and it’s likely you’ll have extreme dislike for persons who or circumstances which you THINK take them away from you.
It takes all my strength to keep my negative thoughts and feelings at the same intensity level over a period of time.
Automatically, after the initial shock and resulting feelings so distasteful and horrible in creeps the doubt that may be this is not the path for me.
Latched on to that doubt in comes an affirmative vibe from a modest thought.
Leading me swiftly from the pits of disapproval to the heights of belief where serenity reigns.
I open the doors and receive for I get my high from feeling good in my skin.
Imagination is a versatile passion to have.
It opens doors and lets one fly in territories limited only by one’s thoughts.
Breathtaking isn’t it? Those with an imagination create solutions and are so never without hope.
Problems and hurdles are mere rungs of the ladder used to effect change and put into perspective the world and times we live in.
Imagine a kind word as a balm soothing one’s feelings and harnessing ones emotions to supply for the need and requirement of that time.
Empathy is a powerful instrument to give hope in word, deed and action.
Do not do what another should do for oneself; rather help one help one self.
Instead, teach a method, enhance a skill, kindle a latent flame of creativity, show the torch in the direction of inner strength, and walk along with only till steps steady.
Then step back. Remove ego from all equations involving giving.
It is not you that gives but rather you are blessed to be able to give.
Only the blessed have the opportunity to give. In fact you show them the power they have and watch them grow.
Watch from afar without the colour of the desire to be recognized and praised.
Bighearted is actually just a liberal and understanding line of thinking.
Love always