I cannot see all the way, no worries.
I can see the now. I live in it, I know it!
Whilst I accomplish the now I believe and I trust.
I have faith the next step will illuminate and be clear for me to act upon in time.
Do be sure to welcome and cultivate only the thoughts that make you stronger.
Rewarding attitudes come from a series of small healthy choices.
This series builds a stronghold and a premise for growth.
Growth means change sometimes drastic, sometimes an adaptation. Other times a shift in perspective works wonders.
A requisite of success is the ability to transform old thinking and rethink innovation.
Build with whatever you receive plenty of. In other words I built with the ‘no’ ‘nay’ ‘maybe’ ‘won’t be’ ‘can’t be’ ‘how can’ and ‘never’.
All these are more potent with opportunity for success than any constant ‘Yes’ would be.
In a lighter vein, how convenient it is to use the bricks thrown at you. You eliminate the cost of purchase and transport.
If you can make constructive light of your situation you will never be at a loss.
Humor and laughter breeds the genius of the human mind to overcome and succeed.
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