Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Gratitude Day!

Happy Gratitude Day today!
Woke up, my eyes still shut. Curled and cozy!
Thank you God for this feeling,
Thank you God for this moment,
Thank you God for Janelle,
Thank you for my wonderful job,
Thank you for a roof over my head,
Thank you for this cozy bed,
Thank you for Cinta and her family, who have opened their hearts and home to me, Thank you, thank you!

I am up and about doing the daily chores
I have hands to do everything which needs to be done –
Thank you very much!
I have legs that carry me swiftly about – Thank you very much!
I have organizing skills – Thank you!

Sending mail
Thank you for the facility of this technology,
Thank you for the ability to put into words a clear message.

Made a phone call Thank you for the joy conversation creates,
Thank you for keeping us healthy in spite of being in the eye of the storm.

Watched on TV – Heroes of Freedom
Genuine heroes you have my respect,regard and gratitude.
Male protagonist, detained at Newark airport.
Thank you, you make me think.

At lunch
Thank you for the nourishment.
Thank you for happy thoughts.
Creating and writing
For the oodles of time – Thank you
For plenty of ideas – Thank you
For enthusiasm unlimited –Thank you

A Daily Walk
Thank you this is refreshing!
Thank you I love these trees!
Thank you, thank you God.


1 comment:

  1. She makes you look inwards,
    She makes you believe in the goodness of life,
    Thank you God, For Joscelyn Ma'am

