Wednesday, November 17, 2010



How would you feel if you knew that where you are at

is where help will reach you? It’s the perfect place to


Tired, cloudy, painful thoughts hurt and crumple your

physical strength and exhaust your mental fiber. In a

state like this only a radically different approach will

bring relief. So I ask you to be still. Waiting not for

tomorrow doing what needs to be done today! Give up

the battle of the need to do verses the need to rest and

do nothing!

All questions ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘what’ and the surly ‘why

‘mean nothing. Put it aside with a deliberate stroke.

Now take the time to let go. Do not try to get things

better. Your efforts are done you need a light at the

end of the tunnel. Rather than double your efforts put

down the yoke of worry. Think not of tomorrow and its

endless requirements.

Today needs no solution, say that aloud


Breathe deeply focus on your breathing. In and out

…warm air cold air…heaving chest, expanding and

contracting that is your task at a time like this.

Release your efforts which have been fruitless. Know

this is the time not to do OR not to undo but to be still

in acceptance, non-judgment, and without fear. Stop

running with your desires and make them bid your

command instead.

Go then where you want to be not where you think you

ought to be. For where you want to be is really the

zone you ought to be into live and give of the talents

you are blessed with. With respect for yourself you will

search peace in the inner self and find roots in the

ground of love.

Slow then, is not doing nothing or going nowhere

rather it’s the fast track to wholesome true living.

Love Always


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


1. Acceptance – I’ll be me and you’ll be you. We will walk, talk, laugh and cry and all the while I’ll be me and you’ll be you. Know thyself!

2. Faith – God is good and for this reason alone all things will turn out for your good. Faith rolls out the red carpet to a content life.

3. Surrender – Entertain thoughts which bless. Lay down the arms. The struggle is there no more if you let it go.

4. Honesty – Make yourself willing to look at you without the rose-coloured glasses of self-justifications & self-righteousness. Personal sincerity opens doors to growth and peace.

5. Courage – You let well alone. On the things given to you to do and do it well. Listen without judgment. Focus on the essential.

6. Willingness – Go the way no matter what. To change the things you can. First things first.

7. Humility – Acknowledge your mistakes without rationalization. Love yourself as you are. Actively practice gratitude in all things.

8. Forgiveness – Let off the hook first yourself and then others. Believe in the good and make amends wherever possible.

9. Freedom – Choose what to do and what not to do. At times be still. Favor calm over chaos. Act with courtesy.

10. Perseverance – Do the things to change one-self alone. Discard all desire to change another. Resolve to choose a sane way of living. Keep it simple!

11. Patience – With oneself as changes brings into effect many benefits. Empathy with others in their journey of self discovery. Waiting time is never wasted time. Easy does it!

12. Charity – Love towards fellow beings in similar situations and propaganda by example alone. If your motive is right you can never go wrong.

Love always
