The joy of life lies in a grateful heart.One who learns to see good in everything,everyone and every circumstance lives counting blessings.No matter who or where you are in your life today. Gratitude increases joy and diminishes pain,guaranteed! Patience,Persistence and Practice of the few simple gratitude laws brings one to unimagined Peace. The byproduct of a grateful heart.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Getting To Know
The days between asking and receiving are where I live in party with myself and my beliefs.
It’s here that I work to maintain positive balance one day at a time.
On splendid days the spirit is light and anticipation which makes life bright takes over. Breathing is not shallow and neither is thinking or feeling.
Everything seems lifted and fitted on a level so high.
I know here I am living the fruits of my evolving.
My effort to do better, to live and learn has presented its rewards.
I am grateful, and I say a thank you in pray.
I celebrate and enjoy this feeling. I grin at myself in the mirror.
Happiness in sharing comes easy.
Giving is joy itself.
On days where I start sluggish one sure shot to pull myself out of unprogressive ways of thinking is to start writing.
On days where I start sluggish one sure shot to pull myself out of unprogressive ways of thinking is to start writing.
As the words flow I feel calm descend from the crown of my head.
Slowly moving as smoothly as honey finding home on which it is poured.
I am in conversation with myself, my true self.
I must be honest for calm to make home here.
I am appreciative, and I remind myself to say a thank you in pray.
I am glad and benefit from this feeling. I make it a point to smile at myself in my thoughts. In my contentment sharing becomes down-to-earth.
Giving is satisfaction.
On days where I just cannot shake a nagging feeling. I sit down and in the surrounding silence I ask myself, “What are you feeling?”
On days where I just cannot shake a nagging feeling. I sit down and in the surrounding silence I ask myself, “What are you feeling?”
Honestly answered, this knowing the feeling brings me to the gates of why I am feeling so.
I name the feeling and it is no more a monster
Knowing is progress!
I am positive, and after a while I remember to say a thank you in pray.
I am relieved and benefit from this feeling. I collect myself in my thoughts.
In my ease sharing is ordinary.
Giving is modest.
To experience a consistent
feeling of contentment
that comes from knowing that you are doing your best and
feelings of gratitude
no matter the circumstances,
no matter the kind of day
is the wealth I never want to be without.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My Lord Jesus, Amazing Succor!
In Hardships He Visited Me, Knocked and refused to leave
In Weariness He assisted me with His Power to Help others
In Woe He wiped my Tears and Taught me to look for His Kind Constance in others
In Overwhelming Hurts His presence soothe my feelings as kind thoughts entered my mind
In Hardships He Visited Me, Knocked and refused to leave
In Weariness He assisted me with His Power to Help others
In Woe He wiped my Tears and Taught me to look for His Kind Constance in others
In Overwhelming Hurts His presence soothe my feelings as kind thoughts entered my mind
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Language Of Actions
Events in my life have taught me that altering habits improve behaviour.
But this kind of change is not long lasting.
But this kind of change is not long lasting.
I learned lasting change only comes from journeying deeper into your beliefs. For in simple but deep rooted beliefs lay the reasons for habits leading to behaviour. Beliefs and fears live in the same house. Fear driven habits and behavior are the root causes of many a lovely life being stunted. If your belief is that you deserve the best.
That will motivate you to explore the right route to succeed.
Watch out for these syndromes while you journey.
All are very common maladies and curable.
Treated leads to peace and comfort.
Zombie Race Syndrome: “Everyone should think like me”
No, the nearest you’ll get sometimes is like mindedness.
The World Twirls On My Axis Syndrome: “If I don’t do it, it will never be done”
Oh, yes it will get done and a tad quicker and better at times.
It’s Me So It’s Ok Syndrome: “It’s ok because ____ deserved it”
“If only .......
“But I was ......
Excuses are reserved for the 'ME' alone!
Me Upright Syndrome: ‘I would never do a thing like that’
‘How could she/he do such a thing’
Oh, Yes you would given half a chance.
Rigid is Best Syndrome- “My way or the highway”
No, there are many different ways more creative, more enjoyable and great fun.
Supreme Manager Syndrome: “I must always be in control”
Look closely, the wheels are not emotionally involved. Trying to have power over what is not yours to control is the most futile and exhausting task in the universe.
I believe oppressive pain comes from perception and expectations.
I believe people are usually doing the best they can. It is not always about you.
I believe God does not create the downs of life but He gives the strength to endure and succeed.
I believe the joy of being there in someone’s need, of sharing, of giving is not celebrated as much as it should be.
I believe in the goodness of human beings and this I do not want to change. I have enjoyed time and time again this nectar of human decency. It makes life so worth its while. I recall. I remember and treasure these experiences and bless them all,for keeping my faith and belief with their actions. Yes, actions alone speak. Period!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Shipshape And Ready To Go
I stared at the mail in my inbox. It was flooded with replies from Face book. At last I succumbed to the pressure. Family and friends welcomed me. At the first glance it looked all the same to me. I wondered who would send the same message so many times.
Then my eyes scrolled up and down and then sideways and I was pleasantly surprised.
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
I am off on my new assignment as Kindergarten Supervisor in Fujairah UAE. This is after a break of 6 months. The break was natural fallout of a decision taken on principle.
In Doha I had the most mind baffling experience of not being able to procure a Resident visa for my only daughter. So I decided to come back to India and set her up in a good college.
Everyone knows what a herculean task it is to get admission in a good reputed college. With the universe routing for us people were put in our path. Persons with their generosity, faith and kindness made admission to Sophia College and hostel a dream come true. Today, Janelle is attending this fantastic college and growing in responsibility. She is so up for the challenge.
To express myself was a need that grew in the days when all this was coming through. Addressing that need I started blogging at the end of May ’09. Tough times are most fertile for learning. I had my fair share of those times so I made the best of what I had.
I knew many things were going ‘not so well’ so as to speak. Nevertheless, there were many things ‘going well’ too. It was my decision to count my blessing on a larger platform than I was already doing. I had made gratitude an attitude by writing regularly from the year 2002. Each day and everyday! Little notepads and mini books I filled plenty.
Believe me I am real
I cry
I mop
I imagine the worst
I freeze
I stare at the TV
I churn
I fear
I doubt
This happens at intervals and I allow it for short periods only.
Then no matter what, I always make a choice to get back on track of making today fruitful in even the simplest way. I do what I can do and I focus on doing it well.
So, I signed up for Sunny Thoughts and practiced them making them my own
I blogged about what I adopted and how it benefited me
I meditated on faith and belief
I brushed up my computer skills
I tuned into finer thinking
I read, and devoured everything in my reach. I hailed it as a resource and a signal to what I needed. I accepted it as such so it worked as such.
I like the feeling which accompanies this kind of doing! So I seek it.
In a new and improved approach I trusted my instincts and relied more and more on my abilities.
I searched and I found.
Then my eyes scrolled up and down and then sideways and I was pleasantly surprised.
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
I am off on my new assignment as Kindergarten Supervisor in Fujairah UAE. This is after a break of 6 months. The break was natural fallout of a decision taken on principle.
In Doha I had the most mind baffling experience of not being able to procure a Resident visa for my only daughter. So I decided to come back to India and set her up in a good college.
Everyone knows what a herculean task it is to get admission in a good reputed college. With the universe routing for us people were put in our path. Persons with their generosity, faith and kindness made admission to Sophia College and hostel a dream come true. Today, Janelle is attending this fantastic college and growing in responsibility. She is so up for the challenge.
To express myself was a need that grew in the days when all this was coming through. Addressing that need I started blogging at the end of May ’09. Tough times are most fertile for learning. I had my fair share of those times so I made the best of what I had.
I knew many things were going ‘not so well’ so as to speak. Nevertheless, there were many things ‘going well’ too. It was my decision to count my blessing on a larger platform than I was already doing. I had made gratitude an attitude by writing regularly from the year 2002. Each day and everyday! Little notepads and mini books I filled plenty.
Believe me I am real
I cry
I mop
I imagine the worst
I freeze
I stare at the TV
I churn
I fear
I doubt
This happens at intervals and I allow it for short periods only.
Then no matter what, I always make a choice to get back on track of making today fruitful in even the simplest way. I do what I can do and I focus on doing it well.
So, I signed up for Sunny Thoughts and practiced them making them my own
I blogged about what I adopted and how it benefited me
I meditated on faith and belief
I brushed up my computer skills
I tuned into finer thinking
I read, and devoured everything in my reach. I hailed it as a resource and a signal to what I needed. I accepted it as such so it worked as such.
I like the feeling which accompanies this kind of doing! So I seek it.
In a new and improved approach I trusted my instincts and relied more and more on my abilities.
I searched and I found.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What Would Sherlock Holmes Find?
When time is over and life is done.
I invite Sherlock Holmes to the scene of my life.
Let’s see what would he find?
Just off the cuff, maybe ….He’d see the corn on the middle finger of my right hand and say..
‘Used a writing instrument a lot…a teacher or a writer’
He open my mouth and one look at my set he’d say..
‘She sure was not in love with the dentist, rarely visited’
My wardrobe would tell him
‘Took pride in dressing. Enjoyed giving a good impression’
One look at my books he’d conclude
‘Reading was for learning not pleasure”
And so on and so forth……..
But would he be able to gauge:
My realizations which pointed the way in the direction of self discovery:
How far away I was from the reality of this world. How little I used my intellect and how much I let my emotions rule and take decisions for me. How stubborn and fixed I was in my ways of dealing with problems. How ill-equipped I was in dealing with the blows life dealt. How small and rigid my vision of life and the world. How small and non-existent were my dreams. How dominating and crippling were my negative thoughts.
My happiness
The picture of my Janelle as I brought her home from the hospital is etched in my being. Her cute face perfect in prettiness and wonderfully sweet. Her most beautiful eyes looking at me calmly. Her palm curled into a fist each perfect finger opening now and again. The warmest feeling washed over me then and every time I think of that moment.
“She’s mine, she IS mine” swirling in my mind. My heart overwhelmed with happiness, contentment and purpose.
It never fails to thrill.
It never fades in intensity.
She is my treasure. She is my wealth.
My desire:
To improve my life by changing the things I can.
When I found it, it was to be powerfully effective in thoughts, words and deeds.
My effort:
To do my best in every situation. To acknowledge mistakes and make amends.
Try in every waking moment to be the best possible me. To always hope.
To always dwell in faith. To know that charity begins with me being kind to myself.
NO, I don’t think he would be able to tell the whole me!
In the actuality of life one is never seen in ones’ entirety. I am defined by the choice I make in the prevailing circumstance. My dealing makes me be seen as a devil or as an angel. Both perceptions are wrong. I am neither this nor that. I am both. At any given time I have both in me. It’s what I choose to do in a situation that highlights either or. I have it in me to do the right thing and I have it in me to do the wrong thing. Believe me. You do too. We all do.
In contemplation I faced myself today and in that moment I was neither and angel or a devil. I saw me in colours. Many bright and brilliant. Some faded and dusty. Some murky and dirty. But colours nevertheless. And definitely the colour black out lining some or running right through the colours elsewhere. Sometimes the role of Mr. Black was to give definition and other times to blur.
It’s very interesting to observe yourself as an onlooker.
It gives a new perspective.
Try it sometime. It’s great, really!
I invite Sherlock Holmes to the scene of my life.
Let’s see what would he find?
Just off the cuff, maybe ….He’d see the corn on the middle finger of my right hand and say..
‘Used a writing instrument a lot…a teacher or a writer’
He open my mouth and one look at my set he’d say..
‘She sure was not in love with the dentist, rarely visited’
My wardrobe would tell him
‘Took pride in dressing. Enjoyed giving a good impression’
One look at my books he’d conclude
‘Reading was for learning not pleasure”
And so on and so forth……..
But would he be able to gauge:
My realizations which pointed the way in the direction of self discovery:
How far away I was from the reality of this world. How little I used my intellect and how much I let my emotions rule and take decisions for me. How stubborn and fixed I was in my ways of dealing with problems. How ill-equipped I was in dealing with the blows life dealt. How small and rigid my vision of life and the world. How small and non-existent were my dreams. How dominating and crippling were my negative thoughts.
My happiness
The picture of my Janelle as I brought her home from the hospital is etched in my being. Her cute face perfect in prettiness and wonderfully sweet. Her most beautiful eyes looking at me calmly. Her palm curled into a fist each perfect finger opening now and again. The warmest feeling washed over me then and every time I think of that moment.
“She’s mine, she IS mine” swirling in my mind. My heart overwhelmed with happiness, contentment and purpose.
It never fails to thrill.
It never fades in intensity.
She is my treasure. She is my wealth.
My desire:
To improve my life by changing the things I can.
When I found it, it was to be powerfully effective in thoughts, words and deeds.
My effort:
To do my best in every situation. To acknowledge mistakes and make amends.
Try in every waking moment to be the best possible me. To always hope.
To always dwell in faith. To know that charity begins with me being kind to myself.
NO, I don’t think he would be able to tell the whole me!
In the actuality of life one is never seen in ones’ entirety. I am defined by the choice I make in the prevailing circumstance. My dealing makes me be seen as a devil or as an angel. Both perceptions are wrong. I am neither this nor that. I am both. At any given time I have both in me. It’s what I choose to do in a situation that highlights either or. I have it in me to do the right thing and I have it in me to do the wrong thing. Believe me. You do too. We all do.
In contemplation I faced myself today and in that moment I was neither and angel or a devil. I saw me in colours. Many bright and brilliant. Some faded and dusty. Some murky and dirty. But colours nevertheless. And definitely the colour black out lining some or running right through the colours elsewhere. Sometimes the role of Mr. Black was to give definition and other times to blur.
It’s very interesting to observe yourself as an onlooker.
It gives a new perspective.
Try it sometime. It’s great, really!
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Time In Paradise
Teaching three and a half years olds to read and write gives me a purpose in life.
I derive immense satisfaction from being instrumental in providing this very fundamental right to children entrusted in my care.
I regard this as a mighty privilege and a major responsibility too.
Yes, this is what teaching means to me.
Yes, this is what teaching means to me.
My canvas is a group of children with eager, intelligent, curious minds.
I am blessed with a new canvas each year.
I am blessed with a new canvas each year.
I view this as a huge asset to have no two years identical in experience and content though curriculum, festivals and events remain the same.
It keeps work interesting, unpredictable and imaginative to say the least. They move my spirit and challenge me to change, innovate and improve methods of creating an environment that fosters learning and progress.
Little ones are wonderfully honest mirrors and reasons to embrace change.
I recall the day I sat besides Anil, his cute face a mark of unhappiness. He was one of my fussy eaters. Hoping to encourage him to eat the food he had in his lunch box.
I recall the day I sat besides Anil, his cute face a mark of unhappiness. He was one of my fussy eaters. Hoping to encourage him to eat the food he had in his lunch box.
I put a big smile on my face and said,
“Humm! That smells good; Mummy has prepared such delicious food for you. So make her happy and eat all of it, won’t you?”
He looked visibly happier. Wow! I did it, I thought.
Anil replied happily, “Mummy hasn’t made this; Chachi has, so now I don’t have to eat it, right!”
I was left speechless.
I treasure in my memory the expression on the little face when after great effort the first number or letter is written flawlessly. If I do remind them how a 5 or 8 or K had troubled them.
He looked visibly happier. Wow! I did it, I thought.
Anil replied happily, “Mummy hasn’t made this; Chachi has, so now I don’t have to eat it, right!”
I was left speechless.
I treasure in my memory the expression on the little face when after great effort the first number or letter is written flawlessly. If I do remind them how a 5 or 8 or K had troubled them.
I always get the same answer no matter who the child may be and it goes like this.
“Then I was small, now I am big”
This answer never fails to make me smile.
I happened to make a error in the date while writing a note in the diaries of the children. So after returning from playing in the park. I asked the children for their diaries once more. In a flash Abhinav was at my desk.
“Then I was small, now I am big”
This answer never fails to make me smile.
I happened to make a error in the date while writing a note in the diaries of the children. So after returning from playing in the park. I asked the children for their diaries once more. In a flash Abhinav was at my desk.
Looking perplexed he asked, “Why again, what are you going to write now.”
I should say here that Abhinav always asked questions every step of the way right through the day. I told him what I intended to do.
A hardly audible ‘Oh’ escaped his lips as he went to get his diary.
A few days later I was required to send a note for the fee card to be brought to school. So I went ahead and asked for the children’s diaries. As usual Abhinav asked and I answered.
He seemed satisfied with what I had told him so I was surprised to see his little face over my desk a moment later. On his face he sported a deadly serious expression.
He said, “See that you write the correct date this time”.
Hardly able to control my laughter I said, “Yes Sir”
He said, “See that you write the correct date this time”.
Hardly able to control my laughter I said, “Yes Sir”
He sounded so much like me. Off went Abhinav skipping back to his place. ‘Mission Accomplished’
Abhinav is no more. Cruel cancer stole the curious, happy child from us. But it’s many episodes like these ones which make every day “A Teachers Day” for me.
Happy Teachers Day !!
Abhinav is no more. Cruel cancer stole the curious, happy child from us. But it’s many episodes like these ones which make every day “A Teachers Day” for me.
Happy Teachers Day !!
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