Monday, June 15, 2009

Desire to achieve.

I have a passion.

I have a gift.

I have a purpose.

I believe in myself.

I have taken the risk of accepting what I already know in my heart.
I choose to be serene at this moment.
I choose to be thankful and build on the gratitude I feel and know in my heart and which exhibits in my life.

I have the faith that where I am today is where I should be.
Each moment I live is how I define my life.
I have confidence in myself to do what needs to be done and do it well.

I am making my dreams come true.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lucky you!

When incidents or occurrences suck you into your past. Its unsettling if one cannot react differently than before.Behaving true to form leaves one wondering what are we really here for anyway?

we being doing things more maturely,creatively and patiently?

f not, surely we have learnt no lessons that life has to teach.We were born small and will vanish even smaller.

To gain
stature one must be forgiving,grateful,loving and ever hopeful.Lets get back to the drawing board,now.

reconstruct our lives for a different and better today.If you are alive you are lucky to get another chance.Go ahead take it and make it count.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


The desire to do better, to learn old lessons from a new perspective.

Brings sparks of hope that have the potential of growing into
incredible joy and satisfaction.

What I seek is harmony in my thought processes.To have an eye to see that I have managed past responsibilities rather well.

To entertain doubt only as a sounding board.

To regain sight of my keen interest in exploring new vistas.

To endeavour to achieve mental peace through prayer and meditation.

To be loving and caring as my nature intends.To be myself at all times, true to myself.

Today, I return to my centre,where I live.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Words can be gems.

Craving praise is human.

The wealth of our
existence often depends on this.
We excel in
area's where we receive the wealth of appreciation, encouragement and praise.

New heights are reached by the motivation and energy received in warm heart felt words of appreciation and
Hard work and commitment is the hallmark of an achiever.

Yet,every achiever has named someone who inspired them with their words and actions. It is the flavour of life.

Are you going to be the 'Praise ' factor in another's life?
I, promise it will motivate and energise you in return.


Its going to be a long day

Its going to be a long day today.Without the distraction of the electronic media, TV and internet. It will be a long day today.

The Shades of Happiness.

The happiness of a loved one makes one happy too.
'You are happy,I am happy' feelings abound and shared feelings, double happiness.

But what if you, do see joy in the face and expression of words of the happy person but it arouses no reciprocal feeling.You just cannot see the reason why. 'You are happy so I am happy for you' feeling arrives but as it's not shared it remains singly experienced.

The hardest to experience is the feeling of fear that is aroused by the obvious happiness of another.'You are happy, I am fearful' is complex for you can experience this only with someone you love.

Being supportive in the eye of doom comes from paying a premium in faith.Faith always rewards.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Willingness, a gift we give ourselves.

Today is the day I gift myself the gift of willingness.

Yes,to be there for others.

To do what needs to be done.

To drink the cup of sorrow and disappointment.

To be brave in the face of difficult choices.

To trust that this too shall pass.

To know that lessons learned from the experiences of today will open the doors to a future of enpowerment.

Today I am willing, and the possibilities are limitless.

Today is a day that is mine and I own it completely.