Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Me and My Living!

“WHY not now?” said an embarrassed and discomfited Joscelyn on hearing of the further delay of visa and travel plans. Silence resounded in the vocabulary of sighs.

We have various opinions and attitudes when it comes to reacting to situations in our lives.” Do you know disappointment is the sister concern of living,” assumed a reluctant but a convinced Joscelyn.

In the scheme of things we call for the timing to follow our sway. If negated it’s not uncommon to have our thoughts and feelings spiral into over whelming distress. “How much patience is patience and how much is foolishness?” thought an inspired and stirred Joscelyn.

Admitting status quo for the visa and travel plans I deeply, kindly and happily surrender to the unknown path, to where life leads. No thoughts of never but focused to the new and now thoughts. “It’s ineffective to think in old ways,” whispers a wise and learned Joscelyn.

If to you it may appear I am taking the unrealistic, impractical approach. Remember it’s too easy to judge, title, stamp and deliver the verdict. “It is hard to comprehend, understand and believe in the life choices of another,” holds an open-minded and serene Joscelyn.

Saying what I truly believe is the easy ingredient. Living it is equally intricate and interesting. Poles apart are lofty thoughts and active purpose. To bridge them into a creative whole is left to your grasp and meaning your existence builds.

Life I have. So a choice is cut out and that is to live, significantly forging ahead and feeling the rhythm. “What does one do when things don’t go as projected?” asks an inquiring and searching Joscelyn.

Live nevertheless! Things happen and we explore for reasons to explain to ourselves the conflicting essence of living in the very vessel that has no room for predictability. Embrace the whole and expect to be challenged and amazed.

Today I renew my belief that a new and a better way will appear. And for now this is enough. All possibilities lie with my powerful God.My attitude will set the stage for miracles to happen,” believes a happy and enthusiastic Joscelyn.

Love always,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Miracle In The Making

How wonderful the day when I am in the position to use my talents and experience again with little children.

But till then I will do everything in my power to cultivate and deepen my skills.

The tunnel appears never-ending but I know with certainty that this is not the end but a bend.

Rather a new beginning, an answer to a prayer, my living desire to be in this world fully, to create and be the facilitator for others to do the best they can.

Today I need a light at the end of the tunnel, so I will be a beam to someone else.

Today I need a shoulder to lean on, so I will make available help for someone else in need.

Today my tears threaten to fall, so I will wipe a tear of someone else in grief.

Today I will be the change I want to see, as I take things in my stride and keep it real.

Today my disappointment will not define me but my enthusiasm will flow over to reap a harvest of kindness to myself as I deal with life as friend not foe!

Today is a poignant day in terms as policy didn’t go my way. Not fearful, discouraged or alone am I.

Yester years you have taught me well to make the choice to heal and mend, rather than rave and rant at moonbeams in a cloudless sky who neither hear or acknowledge you in the scheme of things.

Today I pick up my tools and head to the drawing board. To cultivate and create the life I dream of everyday. Second to none is my dream and my desire is fret with willingness.

“Employ yourself” urges the voice in my fingertips “and create for yourself the platform you await in the messages not found”.
“Pride is lost for a reason and found for a naught. Your guide is ever waiting and ready to comply. Don’t falter at the motive.

Breathe in the air of achievement your birthright, your cause.”

I listen and believe.
I am renewed, revived and ready to do the things I can.

Love always,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Glorious, Courageous Plan 3

Plan 3 is a great option to the alternative Plan B which is the alternative to the elusive Plan A. Got it?

What life offers is what one can work with. This I believe.

Remember the post on

‘Misfortune, Opportunity Same Difference’. Well!

So when I was called on by life

To make full use of prevailing circumstances

To recognize contentment in what I have

To trust events are for the best

To make amends wherever possible

I took the path of 3.

You see, I made Plan 3 my facilitator.

For instance, I list a few of my Plan 3’s

Announcing the 3 A’s in my life




Of current status

And I Root for the 3 R’s in my life




All good thoughts, words and deeds

Profess the 3 P’s in my life




To change the things I can

Loyal to the 3 L’s in my life




Today well.

Faithful to the 3 F’s in my life

First things first

Forget the unimportant

Forgive yourself

No better time to start than NOW

You get the drift.

Plan 3 works for me because it is tailored to my need and requirement. It is managed by me. Executed and delivered by me. Production depends solely on me, my attitude and my staying power. Not forgetting my application and dedication. So responsibility is so far mine in the equation.

That’s the courage of Plan 3.

You see, I cannot fault BLAME in Plan 3. Blame being the tough cookie it is. It neither crumbles nor tastes good. So I happily like to leave it where it belongs, rightly. That is in the out of reach jar, on the topmost cobweb filled shelf of eternity.

If you like Plan 3 make it personally your success path.

That’s the glory of Plan 3.

It may have as many editions as you like. In which areas you wish for it to work it will work.

So long as you are at the helm of operations, Plan 3 works. Try it!

Love always


Saturday, November 7, 2009


I sense I am in a boat which is hurtling down the rough & irregular slope of life. I say ‘boat on a hill’ to illustrate the peculiarity. That’s how irrational my life was. Nothing was effective. And I was not asking for help. I supposed I could or rather just have to go it all by myself.

In the deep recesses of my mind I knew there had to be a better way. But I had no idea what it was. My method ended fruitless and futile were my efforts to live a happy life. I was ever so busy in the little things of life and unaware that a power higher and all powerful who knows all things was watching over me as always. It was graces that lead me to an Al-Anon meeting. It was here that I developed an eye to see God and find myself. My relationship with my God began.

I was worn-out having tried everything in my power to control an illusion I called my life. So happily I surrendered in 1998 October to this new track. Since then every step of the way I have looked to my God for answers and support was and is always there for me. An eye to see I opened and to trust I made a choice. Like a skylight on a dark and dreary night, light for me was there. My surrender and acceptance came quickly. Others who observed my success in the program said so. To me it was one thing at a time. It is a process which is worthwhile, insightful & a logical journey. It restored my outlook and my faith in me. It demonstrated to me different perspectives. It was the beginning of many, new and improved views and many miracles.

Implementation is in my hands results are not. Lessons are for me to learn. Change was to be my companion. All good literature which I strategically placed for another to read so that the said individual would change STOPPED. Instead I devoured such and the like myself. In doing so I realized how easy or how difficult it was to change. I no more demanded or expected anyone else to change. Peace came with comprehension.

At times my predicament was due to my poor choices even in that case if I reached for God’s power. It was present. I found solutions which were progressive and consoling. The power never failed to open a window of opportunity for me. Support is so regular and so strong. I grew to understand I had everything I needed in my corner. Solutions lay with me alone.

Faith rules and symbols hold no charm in comparison to it. But to me comprehension and creativity went hand in hand. I thought it would be satisfying to have something actual to hold onto. A physical reminder that I was not on my own would be a pleasant thing to have. That was the motivation for me to create THE WINDOW which holds the most powerful name on earth. JESUS.
Once made, it was comforting to know it was only a look, a touch away. In any event I reached into my hand bag to feel it there and whisper the holy name of JESUS. I never missed an occasion to open the window and read the name of JESUS. It gave me strength and peace. It gave me whatever I needed at the moment. It never failed. The hours which went into its creation were truly, time spent in the company of pure love.

In order to share
The hope of my experience and my joy, I give you a glimpse of ME

My childhood I will say was HAPPY and I was unaware of discomfort.

During my youth the sky was the limit in my daydreams. I was being myself with flourish. I did constructive work with children of the locality. ‘Summer Fire Club’ was my brain child. I ran this club successfully for three consecutive summer vacations.

As a young adult I excelled as an Early Childhood Educator. Creative and appreciated was my work. But personally my thinking shifted to anticipatory mode, waiting for things to happen. It was my attitude that was attracting the impractical. I loaded my happiness in circumstances and persons. Much to my horror, my vision of how things should be or not be was not always acknowledged.

I got married. Life at best was stumbling, blundering, stressing. It comes with the package, when you live your life trying to be in control of home, job, family, finance, and social life. One rule I applied to all problems big and small. And that would be anger& fear ridden thoughts resulting in unhealthy solutions. That was clubbed with naive, shallow, fearful living. Happiness was fleeting. Circumstances deteriorated. I was lost.

Then in 1998 October at the first AL-ANON meeting I felt I was home. Positive vigor was what I felt. My growth as a person began. It was a wonderful challenge to put into practice rules of sane living. I retook my life in my hands by letting go of the need to control others. A burden was lifted with the single most potent statement I heard that day. “You cannot change anyone” How happy I felt because I really had tried everything in the world to change others. I knew it did not work. Yet family and society told me that I have to keep trying! Oh! How happy I felt, relieved really! Now, I put my energies into correcting and changing myself.

In 2000 October my marriage of 19 years ended. With my eight year old daughter I started a new life. This was a personal decision and is not a reflection on the wonderful organization to which I belonged. I had progressed much in my thinking and attitude. I continued to attend the programme and took an active part too. Not taking away from the gravity of my situation. I must say that I learned the most in the years that followed. I grew from strength to strength. Making amends wherever possible changing me wherever necessary was by then an ongoing process.

I grew strong. When trust let me down I grew wiser. By this time I realized it was my self-esteem that had taken a beating. This resulted in me making some poor personal choices. I got through consequences with dignity and fortitude with Jesus by my side. In facing problems retaliation was never an option for me. I used every situation that came my way as a learning opportunity. Thankfully my optimism never failed me. My faith grew. Hope became alive in the right places. Opportunity grabbed my hand, as it were. I found joy in day to day living.

I started on the journey to get to know and love myself first. It was a slow process which still carries on today. But it was and is ever rewarding. The biggest road blocks to a serene life, self- righteousness, self-justification, and self- pity I tackle painstakingly. My efforts met with effective results. My awareness grew. And I strode on to acceptance. I grounded my thinking in reality. For every step of progress I make I give praise to JESUS. I was getting to know HIM well. I could see myself stand before HIM in my heart and talk to HIM. From not asking for help to dumb staring then groveling to begging I inched forward to embrace a sane lifestyle. Learning that JESUS was really all about asking, not begging. That is progress.

Life goes on so hardships continue. But my steps never falter now. I have my window which I look through ever so often. From where I stand I can see love, feel hope and live in faith. I experience happiness which comes from contentment. That is the power of finding a window in JESUS.

Focus is my theme and I never feel like giving up. With HIM by my side I have everything I need. I have started making things happen for me. I am LIVING AND MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE. Forward and onward I never look back. Today, October 2009 ………..I am on my feet, facing the window of wonderful love……..

Love always,


Friday, November 6, 2009

What Testing found in WORDS.

The most promising word - PEACE
The dirtiest word - RIVALRY
The longest word - WAIT
The meaningless word - EGO

The heaviest word –REGRET
The present word - FORGIVE
The toughest word – KIND
The ugliest word - BLAME

The strongest word - LOVE
The humblest word - SORRY
The grateful word - THANKS
The happiest word - SMILE

The quickest word - NO
The saddest word - CANNOT
The rarest word - ACCOUNTABILITY
The forgotten word - SILENCE

The challenging word - SETBACK
The smallest word - QUIT
The biggest word – GIVE
The angriest word - HATE

The worst motivational word - FEAR


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Deeds.

Your deeds are duty
Your deeds are glory
Your deeds are you.
You define their helpfulness or helplessness.

In the direction of self
For those who will never be able to return
Toward those who can return in equal measure
Intended for those who will return in more that you can measure

I once asked an individual what was the motivation for the philanthropic work. “See, it makes a good topic of conversation for the gossip monger“ Was the answer.

It may start out as just a means to be seen in a favourable light. It ends up as a real life changing and a rewarding experience. A person recovering from an addiction whispered, “It’s a purpose to live for”.

Does the flavor of deed change and define who and what we are?

Meant for the world to see” ‘Do Gooder’s sentiments yelled from angry and hostile eyes. The reward lasted as long as people remembered to mention all about it in glowing terms.

You can get used to the fabulous feeling of satisfaction” blushed an expert, wrinkled fingers clutching the fiver to be given to the next unsuspecting aged on the road.

‘On behalf of favours received’ in goes the dollar and the dime into the donation box. In the name of religion too the price is fixed. To avoid the lightening strike in goes the note. Hardly noteworthy!

By far,the coolest act is “A return favour “. Its a weathered story.

Summer was kind to Fall without calculation.
On the other side of a good day Monsoon was shattered and in need kindness.
In walks Fall who took good care of Monsoon, thus doubling the kindness. Monsoon deemed its good luck and afforded the same to Winter in time of Winter’s need.

Somewhere, somehow Summer has ensured it’s time of need has been taken care of with kindness.

It never fails to turn and return.
The way you deal it makes the difference in the cut.

Good deeds, are there enough reasons?
Should there be a reason?
