Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Deeds.

Your deeds are duty
Your deeds are glory
Your deeds are you.
You define their helpfulness or helplessness.

In the direction of self
For those who will never be able to return
Toward those who can return in equal measure
Intended for those who will return in more that you can measure

I once asked an individual what was the motivation for the philanthropic work. “See, it makes a good topic of conversation for the gossip monger“ Was the answer.

It may start out as just a means to be seen in a favourable light. It ends up as a real life changing and a rewarding experience. A person recovering from an addiction whispered, “It’s a purpose to live for”.

Does the flavor of deed change and define who and what we are?

Meant for the world to see” ‘Do Gooder’s sentiments yelled from angry and hostile eyes. The reward lasted as long as people remembered to mention all about it in glowing terms.

You can get used to the fabulous feeling of satisfaction” blushed an expert, wrinkled fingers clutching the fiver to be given to the next unsuspecting aged on the road.

‘On behalf of favours received’ in goes the dollar and the dime into the donation box. In the name of religion too the price is fixed. To avoid the lightening strike in goes the note. Hardly noteworthy!

By far,the coolest act is “A return favour “. Its a weathered story.

Summer was kind to Fall without calculation.
On the other side of a good day Monsoon was shattered and in need kindness.
In walks Fall who took good care of Monsoon, thus doubling the kindness. Monsoon deemed its good luck and afforded the same to Winter in time of Winter’s need.

Somewhere, somehow Summer has ensured it’s time of need has been taken care of with kindness.

It never fails to turn and return.
The way you deal it makes the difference in the cut.

Good deeds, are there enough reasons?
Should there be a reason?


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