The joy of life lies in a grateful heart.One who learns to see good in everything,everyone and every circumstance lives counting blessings.No matter who or where you are in your life today. Gratitude increases joy and diminishes pain,guaranteed! Patience,Persistence and Practice of the few simple gratitude laws brings one to unimagined Peace. The byproduct of a grateful heart.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How would you feel if you knew that where you are at
is where help will reach you? It’s the perfect place to
Tired, cloudy, painful thoughts hurt and crumple your
physical strength and exhaust your mental fiber. In a
state like this only a radically different approach will
bring relief. So I ask you to be still. Waiting not for
tomorrow doing what needs to be done today! Give up
the battle of the need to do verses the need to rest and
All questions ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘what’ and the surly ‘why
‘mean nothing. Put it aside with a deliberate stroke.
Now take the time to let go. Do not try to get things
better. Your efforts are done you need a light at the
end of the tunnel. Rather than double your efforts put
down the yoke of worry. Think not of tomorrow and its
Breathe deeply focus on your breathing. In and out
…warm air cold air…heaving chest, expanding and
Release your efforts which have been fruitless. Know
this is the time not to do OR not to undo but to be still
in acceptance, non-judgment, and without fear. Stop
running with your desires and make them bid your
Go then where you want to be not where you think you
ought to be. For where you want to be is really the
zone you ought to be into live and give of the talents
you are blessed with. With respect for yourself you will
search peace in the inner self and find roots in the
Slow then, is not doing nothing or going nowhere
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
1. Acceptance – I’ll be me and you’ll be you. We will walk, talk, laugh and cry and all the while I’ll be me and you’ll be you. Know thyself!
2. Faith – God is good and for this reason alone all things will turn out for your good. Faith rolls out the red carpet to a content life.
3. Surrender – Entertain thoughts which bless. Lay down the arms. The struggle is there no more if you let it go.
4. Honesty – Make yourself willing to look at you without the rose-coloured glasses of self-justifications & self-righteousness. Personal sincerity opens doors to growth and peace.
5. Courage – You let well alone. On the things given to you to do and do it well. Listen without judgment. Focus on the essential.
6. Willingness – Go the way no matter what. To change the things you can. First things first.
7. Humility – Acknowledge your mistakes without rationalization. Love yourself as you are. Actively practice gratitude in all things.
8. Forgiveness – Let off the hook first yourself and then others. Believe in the good and make amends wherever possible.
9. Freedom – Choose what to do and what not to do. At times be still. Favor calm over chaos. Act with courtesy.
10. Perseverance – Do the things to change one-self alone. Discard all desire to change another. Resolve to choose a sane way of living. Keep it simple!
11. Patience – With oneself as changes brings into effect many benefits. Empathy with others in their journey of self discovery. Waiting time is never wasted time. Easy does it!
12. Charity – Love towards fellow beings in similar situations and propaganda by example alone. If your motive is right you can never go wrong.
Love always
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I gave myself a break one day I let ME think of the past.
Of the buts and ifs’ I reminisced and the
Could be and maybes’ I dwelt on.
In rushed why without warning?
How did this happen to me?
Poor me! Lucky them!!
Lonesome me. Happy them.
What have I to smile about?
My mind struggled to keep afloat.
A tunnel opened it was lined with the slippery stuff of
self pity. I peeped in and self righteousness grabbed
I slowly slid into the never ending down ward spiral of
self justification.
It was cold to look at but my feelings burned holes into
the fabric of my being. Bitterness I could taste in my
Yes, it sure was a break I let myself have!!!! It was
breaking me alright!!!!! It happened so quick!
So I hauled myself back to the present and yes I like it
here in today.
The past is over and the future is not mine. Today is
my playground and do I want to play.
Everything has two sides.If your perspective gives you
peace you can hang on to it even if no one else agrees.
But when you feel like justifying your stand at every
chance you get. It is Time to try another
I forgave. Then nothing else was left to do but the job I
love so well. And the day unfolded busy but the mind
was stable and calm. That is how I like it, its’ like a
million bucks to me!
Have you collected your million!
Love always
Joscelyn Fernandes
Monday, October 25, 2010
Break the unsaid Rule
Inner Power rules the earth it’s not about the few on
the top and visible to the rest of the world.
It is about the hundreds of millions who are just as
talented but who have an audience of maybe one or
The system creates the hysteria and hype but in
actuality they are just as ordinary or extraordinary as
In order to make one larger than the other the reason
is far from noble. The results are far from dignified.
Celebrities are neither exempted from pain or
insecurity. They have flawed judgment like anyone
else. And suffer the consequences. It’s all in the news
for all to see.
Break the code that the world is for the fortunate few.
Life is for all.
Yet we have the system that we worship the creation of
illusion to get away from the reality of our lives.
We want something else for ourselves but instead of
working towards it. We seek quick fixes in the make
belief life of others.
Resources are plunged repeatedly into the bottomless
pit of keeping this illusion going! We are a part of
keeping the Fantasy going.
There are a hundred million singers in this world even
as I write who are talented and use their talent to
spread smiles where they are.
There are hundred million dancers in this world even
as I write who are talented and use their talent to
spread smiles where they are. This is so for every talent
known to man.
God given talents are given to spread love.
Talents are to be used to spread joy.
Talents are given to be used for the benefit of others.
Not for one’s own glory!
That’s why all climbing and achieving ends in the
reversal of fortunes. No one remains the same unless
they are using the talents for the good of others.
That is when it becomes endless and fulfilling as was
Celebrate and give those who are with you! Treat them
with the same awe and admiration you afford the silver
screen idols or any other famous personality who you
have never met.
Spend your time energy and love on them while you
have the chance.
Waste not another moment on a daydream and live in
the moment with the people who surround you.
That all you have, live it!
Love always
Joscelyn Fernandes
Monday, October 11, 2010
Love lives. It is in the acts not the words. It is in the thoughts which lead to kindness and consideration. It is living.
Love never ends. In tough times of breathless confusion it is love which drives and hopes. It is love which allows the feelings of optimism resurface and take power. It is endless.
‘Of course with my prince charming I will but naturally live happily. And life’s forces will rock and roll to the beat of my drum.’ This comes across encouragingly like love. However this is not love. This is expectation.
Love is a secure & balanced feeling of well being. Love is unwavering and does not rock and roll to life’s twists and turns.
It does not change with circumstances. It wants nothing in return. It does not fear losing itself for another. It has no prospect for self. Love always wins for its joy lies in the triumph of others. It is joyful.
Peaceful, creative, forgiving, kind and compassionate are the eyes of love. It seeks the happiness of another and in that alone lays its happiness. It is ever evolving.
Unconditional is love. No reasoning or barter takes place in love. It gives for the sole rationale of giving. It is generous.
Loves lives the judgment of optimism. It speaks words of caution. And prayers for the safety and well being of the reckless loved one. It embraces the stumbling one. It is breathing conviction.
Haste plays no role. Patience is its face. It embraces the outcome for the good of the loved one with open arms. Hope in life is love.
Its love when you go with your instinct and don’t give up on yourself or a child and refuse to listen to the voices which are contrary to what you feel. Faith in oneself is love.
No two people can love exactly alike. No two people are alike and each can love only as uniquely as the person is. To compare and contrast is a ravage of time.
Faith, hope and charity have no flame without love.
Use your time well.
Live LOVE!
Love always
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tryst with Paranoid Thinking
Fearful is the mind of outcomes and end results so it struggles to find ways to control and stop the unstoppable.
Faith is no visitor in this environment. Hope has fled to another time and age.
You are standing as if on the edge of a cliff set on a bowl of jelly.
Imaginations are as fluid as real. A hazy feeling like smoke blurs every thought of calm.
Surrounding everything is a tight, unhappy & destitute goal.
The goal being I have to DO something. DO IT MY WAY and try and
keep trying to make it all well! I claim this is not unreasonable. I say
I know best. It’s my life I should know. Isn’t it?
Defenses up. Every thought goes back to that thought. What if?
Doom looms large? Despair is so friendly.
Arrogance stems from the likes of this kind of thought control. This was news to me. How can arrogance cause the hot ball escalating downhill to my ruin? When everything that I am trying to do is to stall that very situation of devastation?
Mistrustful is the heart as I listen to the logic which seemed unreal and anger takes over.Not possible says a voice it is mine.
How can I not do anything to make things better?
How can I be expected to not scold, contrive & connive? It’s my life after all?
Suspicious of every intention
Obsessed with finding answers
I lumber on.......
Bad-tempered are the demands on one self and the other. This leads to more despair.
Then I stopped to pay attention to the logic of the Serenity prayer
God, grant us the...
Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference
Patience for the things that take time
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways, the
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless.
A strange calm descends as surrender no longer means giving up hope. Rather it’s a method to think things from a different perspective. It is a road where human dignity is restored.
Pride rides out into the sunset. Saddle bags full of the past misconceptions.
Never to reign in this mind again.
Promise made. Promise kept.
Love always
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I am amazed by
The flow of paint from a brush
Pen strokes of a calligrapher
The art of writing the Chinese characters
The mercurial run on Arabic script
The learning capability of children
The colours of an evening winter’s sky
I am thrilled by
The sound of raindrops on a rooftop
The streams of water flowing of corrugated sheets
A child’s writing and drawings
The success of others
An understanding heart
A twinkle in the eye
I am moved by
The reality of love
An outstretched hand stops your stumble.
Consideration of a stranger
Broad reconciliation bridges
The spirit of cheerful staying power
Doing to the best of one’s ability
It makes my day! What makes yours?
Love always
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Small hands wipe tears of the face of another little one
Tiny hands clap for everything
A smiling senior citizen
Honest advice no hidden agenda
A warm hug
Opponents shake hands
A helpful hand extended and received as such
A fistful of earth in a concrete jungle
A look of love in the most ordinary moment
Excitement of a win
Tears of a loser
Laughter of a tramp
Satisfaction of a job well done
Credits acknowledged
A smile through tears
Confidence revisited
Trembling chin soothed
Withdrawn expectation
Peace in thoughts
Promise fulfilled
Compassion in speech
Comfort in words
Pardon in the final analysis
Imagine a life without these moments!
I don’t want my life to be without these moments.
Do you? Can you?
Love always
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Let you heart rule your head. The turmoil which ensues will spin your life turtle. Let it! Then find your head on your shoulders thereafter each time and every time.
Let a blunder rake and rile you for a chosen period of time [limited], feel the harm it does and then forgive yourself and go on to honor your better self.
Let the fear of being disliked hamper and stunt the quality of thought, word and deed. Then pack up fear with no ceremony and start to think, speak and do freely as you believe.
Let the discomfort of confrontation hijack and gag the need to know the truth then pluck the courage and face the fiends. Vapour is the natures of demons, a wave of intend is all that is required to push forward.
Let persons belittle you for love and misplaced loyalty then silently move out of reach and make room for precious thoughts which uplift and guide actions of love.
Let people manipulate and distort facts in order that you act in response in a certain way then choose to be true to yourself and think for yourself.
Let the need to be loved lead to actions your instincts disagree with. Then feel the freedom of not having to try to be loved and know that to be loved is not earned its just there.
Let peoples opinion rule your choice, words and thoughts and then move on to become independent of validation of another. Listen to your inner voice, it leads and comforts like no other.
Let noise be your screen and defense and then visit the silence of your spirit, never to return to the din for here lays your integrity.
Let you treat yourself harshly. This is a hard one to see. Cause it’s too close for comfort. Sometimes a lifetime passes before you can see, believe and act in your interest. Don’t let that be the case with you. Treating yourself with love, care and respect is the key to doing the same for others.
Love always,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
smash hit concert named ‘All is well’ long ago. [Just saw it again for
the umpteen time on DVD]
And now ‘All izz well’ is made famous here in India by Aamir Khans ‘3
Well done, to both enterprises.
All is well.
It’s just a state of mind. Peace.
When you believe that everything that has happened, is happening and
will happen is for your good alone. Believe me with this belief reality
just falls into line. It has no choice because your state of mind creates
your reality. Simple!
Dolly’s songs identify with real human emotions and feelings thus
making it so expressive and easily identifiable. It tells me that these
feelings are experienced commonly the world over.
How else would songs be written on something one thinks is personal and singly confidential and related to only them? It’s because it’s not as one of a kind but more frequent and relative than one can imagine.
So don’t allow the finger pointers to make you feel isolated and alone.
“Sometimes we wear halos and sometimes we wear horns” sings Dolly!
Then, we make a choice to exchange our horns for halos.
So carry that burden no more. No dent is permanent unless you want it to be.The circumstances and choices that build lives cannot be judged by anyone.
So all you lovely people out there do not paralyze your
thoughts with the ray gun of hurt and traumatic disbelief but go on
your way. You have everything you need to be and do a marvelous job
with the rest of your life.
Journey forward to a better life make it happen only as you can.
Everyone has a saving quality.
Find it and make it your position.
Stagnation is and never has been my strong point. No matter how
deeply I feel or am affected, eventually I get fed up of the sorrow and
move forward. Then each day becomes the day I am up in arms.
With a vow to put my best foot forward.
I write what I learned.
So kindness can spare the horror finale. I took the turn and there was
no boogie man there just a welcoming peace and comfort.
I am free. You are too!
Choose Life!
Love always,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
When it is time, it will be time enough.
Entertaining NO THOUGHTS of distress and worry
leaves one with a lot of undiluted energy and time.
It’s extraordinary to think many have lived lives such
as this quite naturally.
But for me, I have painstakingly tried and practiced
over years. With a heaping of small and big victories I
now have accomplished it in the 54th year of my life.
I should say here every experience has contributed to
my being. I acknowledge my good and sensible choices
and my imprudent and resentful ones too. I take full
responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions.
I may not agree but I appreciate those who disagree
with me. This is the toughest and the most liberating
clause I have worked to my peace of mind.
I chanced upon something I had written 14 years ago. I
was pleasantly surprised to see that how I am now is
exactly how I wanted to and planned to be that many
years ago. I never looked at myself as such a
passionate, meticulous and focused planner.
But I am.
I never admired myself for my persistence. Over the
years and decades ago I was told by many a coworker
and management of my focus and confidence to get the
task done with finesse.
But I saw it only as confidence of doing my best, just as
doing the needful and going the extra mile for myself
At the on start itself I could see the end result the way I
wanted it to be.
Once that grip was in place the routes to accomplishing
it were taken on a need basis and never compromised
on, in terms of quality and time investment.
My satisfaction at the end was the reward I sought. I’d
smile to myself in the dark as I lay my head on the
pillow. Well done! I told myself, enthused and raring
to go on to the next day and the next project.
I see myself now as successful at being ME. My heart
agrees. A floating feeling of peace surrounds as I write
I forgive myself for all the trouble wittingly and
unwittingly I caused myself. As I write this my heart
flutters. That’s how alive my conscience is today.
Maybe I have yet to make peace with some things. But
I am on the path I will get there. At last I respect and
love myself as my God intended.
I am reunited with my inner self. I do things, the
things which need to be done for myself. An
expectation in perspective is a gift of fortitude.
Every human has borne pain.
The question is how does pain motivate you? Is it, to
tears, anger, revenge and then uneasy justification in
that order?
Yes, it does we are human after all.
Then after we make the choice of the course of action
the hard work starts. It’s a journey and the reward is
in this alone. I try consistently to walk this talk, I find
it worthwhile.
Try it!
Love always,
Monday, August 23, 2010
After days of tummy waltzing with delicious
Alphonso mangoes the heat kicks in and I am
greeted one morning with a pimple.
It appeared on the right side of my face.
Close to the lower part of my cheek.
Brilliant enough to be clearly noticed a few
centimeters from my lips. I stood and stared
while it greeted me and its presence sunk in.
For me a pimple is strange company
considering I never had any in my youth!
So I peered and lifted my face and angled the
mirror. That was study enough. I turned and
walked away.
Day one unfolded. I lived every moment doing
the job at hand as best I can. The pimple
remained positioned and present in all the
order of work executed. But it did not claim
my interest. I did not try to conceal or
camouflage it. I had accepted it as part of me.
I made no pointed mention and directed no
attention to it. It was there accepted as part of
The next day it hurt. I gave it a passing glance
as I stood before the mirror to get ready for
day two with my additional feature. The
pimple remained positioned and present in all
the order of work executed today too. But it
did claim my odd thought for it made its
presence felt with a twinge of pain now and
I did not reach for it nor try to comfort it
directly. The day wore on as time has a way to
go. Nothing out of the extra ordinary
happened as teacher’s, parents and students
met me. Satisfaction ruled as I did my job.
With a smile on my face I returned home.
Day three greeted me with the repulsive sight
of a yellowish tip on my new feature. The
truth be told I felt sorry for whoever would
have to look into my face today. And that is
assured there would be plenty of traffic of
adults and children scheduled to interact with
The Pimple was begging for attention with its
angry look. It could not be missed, that’s for
sure? A dab of an ointment went on to it as I
signaled to myself to go about my day.
Yes, a cocked eyebrow, a distracted smile and
a pointed “who beat you” by a tot had me
explaining myself several times that day. With
a little effort we were able to remain focused
on the job at hand.
And day three ended.
Day four was much the same as day three.
And with the dawn of day five, life started
getting into normal mode. My feature shrank
with each coming day and was almost invisible
on day seven.
I was relieved to note that with patience
and minimum interference the pimple
was gone. I smiled.
I sure was in for a rude shock on day nine
when additional feature number 2 decided to
appear. Right near my nose.
Panic rose within my beating breast this had
to go. I cannot accept this. I did less staring
and went into commando mode in a flash
decision. I fiddled and pressed and plucked
and pinched at it. It hurt, but that did not
seem to hinder me from doing what I went
about doing to my own skin. I patted it down
and tried to make it invisible.
And invisible it was not to be. Every morning
and every night I did the same routine of
fiddling and pressing and plucking and
pinching it into submission. Days were
littered with unpleasant and unhappy feelings
when I looked at or felt the pimple.
Pain and irritation clouded my thoughts
several minutes a day. Nonetheless, I did what
I had to do work wise but in crept a niggling
irritation when least expected.
And to cut a long story short it just remained
unfazed and the days rolled into weeks and my
pimple is with me 4 weeks later. As flushed
and in bloom as the first day it appeared. I
cannot lie there are days in between when it
seemed to be receding to the low lying areas of
But it never really does. It’s there
right under the surface the root inflamed and
ready to erupt on a short fuse.
Here’s what I learned in all this, acceptance of
reality of the things you cannot change is the
key to a rational operational choice. Of course
the practical aspect of acceptance in any
problem is in one’s best interest. As Pimple
number 1 ‘showed me so’.
Panic is a foe and battling problems which
only need acceptance to tide them over, may
lead to unending revolting consequences.
Being in a hurry to find solutions may
camouflage the problem but the root will
always be a source of pain. “I taught you so”
muttered Pimple number 2.
All healing takes time and must begin from
within. Thus spoke the Pimples and humbled
me with their wisdom.
Love always
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ten Top Opportunities to Live and Learn
1. Let you heart rule your head. The turmoil which ensues will spin your life turtle. Let it! Then find your head on your shoulders thereafter each time and every time.
2. Let a blunder rake and rile you for a chosen period of time [limited], feel the harm it does and then forgive yourself and go on to honor your better self.
3. Let the fear of being disliked hamper and stunt the quality of thought, word and deed. Then pack up fear with no ceremony and start to think, speak and do freely as you believe.
4. Let the discomfort of confrontation hijack and gag the need to know the truth then pluck the courage and face the fiends. Vapour is the natures of demons, a wave of intend is all that is required to push forward.
5. Let persons belittle you for love and misplaced loyalty then silently move out of reach and make room for precious thoughts which uplift and guide actions of love.
6. Let people manipulate and distort facts in order that you act in response in a certain way then choose to be true to yourself and think for yourself.
7. Let the need to be loved lead to actions your instincts disagree with. Then feel the freedom of not having to try to be loved and know that to be loved is not earned its just there.
8. Let peoples opinion rule your choice, words and thoughts and then move on to become independent of validation of another. Listen to your inner voice, it leads and comforts like no other.
9. Let noise be your screen and defense and then visit the silence of your spirit, never to return to the din for here lays your integrity.
10. Let you treat yourself harshly. This is a hard one to see. Cause it’s too close for comfort. Sometimes a lifetime passes before you can see, believe and act in your interest. Don’t let that be the case with you. Treating yourself with love, care and respect is the key to doing the same for others.
Love always,